Folio Number — In mutual funds, a unique number identifying your account with the fund. Like a bank account number, the folio number can be used as a way to uniquely identify fund investors and keep records of items such as how much money each investor has… … Investment dictionary
Folio — may refer to: * In bookbinding, ** A sheet of paper, parchment, or other material folded in half to make two leaves in a codex. ** Mainly for manuscripts, a leaf (ie two pages). Manuscript pages are often traditionally physically marked with… … Wikipedia
registrars account folio number — The investor s account reference number given by the registrar. Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary … Financial and business terms
registrars account folio number — The investor s account reference number given by the registrar … Euroclear glossary
folio — [fō′lē ō΄; ] also [ fōl′yō΄] n. pl. folios [ME < L ( in) folio, (in) a sheet, abl. of folium, a leaf (in LL, leaf of paper): see FOLIATE] 1. Bookkeeping a page of a ledger, or facing pages with the same number 2. Law a set number of words (100 … English World dictionary
Folio — Fol io, n.; pl. {Folios}. [Ablative of L. folium leaf. See 4th {Foil}.] 1. A leaf of a book or manuscript. [1913 Webster] 2. A sheet of paper once folded. [1913 Webster] 3. A book made of sheets of paper each folded once (four pages to the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Folio post — Folio Fol io, n.; pl. {Folios}. [Ablative of L. folium leaf. See 4th {Foil}.] 1. A leaf of a book or manuscript. [1913 Webster] 2. A sheet of paper once folded. [1913 Webster] 3. A book made of sheets of paper each folded once (four pages to the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
folio — fo·lio / fō lē ˌō/ n: a certain number of words taken as a unit or division in a document for purposes of measurement or reference ◇ A folio by statutory provision generally consists of 100 words. Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam… … Law dictionary
Folio — Fol io, v. t. To put a serial number on each folio or page of (a book); to page. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
number — [n1] unit of the mathematical system cardinal, character, chiffer, cipher, count, decimal, denominator, digit, emblem, figure, folio, fraction, googol, integer, numeral, numerator, ordinal, prime, representation, sign, statistic, sum, symbol,… … New thesaurus
folio — ► NOUN (pl. folios) 1) a sheet of paper folded once to form two leaves (four pages) of a book. 2) a book made up of such sheets. 3) an individual leaf of paper numbered on the front side only. 4) the page number in a printed book. ORIGIN Latin,… … English terms dictionary